How are we supporting Move More, Cheltenham?

Each year during our keep active week we raise money for a chosen charity. In previous years we have supported The Trussell Trust Food Banks, National Star and this year we will be supporting the Move More, Cheltenham charity.

Their mission is to instil a love of physical activity within all children, so they develop a positive, lifelong attitude to moving more.

Move More became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in November 2017 and now delivers PE and School Sport provision in every primary school across Cheltenham and Tewkesbury.

The Move More Team offer primary schools a variety of services to complement their existing delivery of PE and School Sport, family engagement and teacher CPD. In addition to this, each academic year they organise and deliver over 100 events and competitions for Cheltenham and Tewkesbury primary, secondary and special schools.

Throughout the school holidays, they deliver parent paid holiday camps for 3 – 11-year-olds. The income generated from these camps is reinvested into the charity to subsidise school-based delivery and ensure they have enough staff to meet the needs of the schools across the two districts.

Recently they have secured funding from various sources, including Gloucestershire County Council, to deliver free holiday camps for vulnerable children and families. During the 2020/21 academic year they worked with over 20,000 children and young people across Cheltenham and Tewkesbury and through expanding their work into community settings they are hoping this number will continue to rise. They have recently started to offer children’s birthday parties and Balanceability classes for children aged 3 and upwards to learn to cycle.

So, seems fitting that Savient Limited are supporting the Move More charity as part of our keep active week and the money raised will go towards helping the charity provide physical activities for children in Cheltenham and Tewkesbury. We have a GoFundMe donation page and you can also join the Savient Limited team in supporting Move More by donating or to find out more about the charity you can visit the website link below, thank you for your support.

Website for more details about the charity is
